Latest Blog Articles

In2event at ADE 2024: The power of partnerships
We partnered with industry leaders to power the ADE Hub, hosting daily panels and meetings.
In2event Academy: A great start to the new season
Our first In2event Academy day of the season was a full house, and we’re happy to say it was a big success!
A day in the life of an event volunteer: How In2event simplifies the process
From registration and shift planning to check-in, our platform makes the work easier.
Joining forces with Eventix, Sjef, Appic, and Fanalists
From October 16 to 18, 2024, we’ll join forces with industry leaders Eventix, Sjef, Appic, and Fanalists in the Eventix Hub.
Looking back at the Festival Summer
It, once more, was an amazing festival summer. Let's rewind.
Mastering event accreditation: A comprehensive guide
Our partner Eventix just launched their Knowledge Base. We were one of the firsts to contribute an article.