Give your artists the smooth experience they deserve

As an event promoter or artist advancer, you might be familiar with the struggle of advancing and handling hundreds of performing artists.

Contracts, riders, itineraries, registering their crew and guests; managing all information and making sure everything is up-to-date are time-consuming tasks. We are here to make that easier for you.

Highlighted features

Create order in the chaos that is artist advancing

With our artist advancer, you’ll always have a real-time and structured overview on hand. No more separate files, sheets, or programs. You’re able to see where it’s at in an instant and what artist information is still missing.Add your own to-do’s and create a complete overview that works best for you.

Build your line-up and create artist profiles

From a concept to your finalized line-up. In2event offers easy-to-use tools that help you create the perfect timetable.

The color-coordinated line-up creator will show you all performers’ statuses at a glance.
From there, you can easily access all of the artist profiles. These profiles contain all performance details, riders, crew and entourage details, itineraries, and much more.

Keep a clear artist handling overview with Mission Control

We’re here to make things easy for you. In2event provides a neat artist-handling overview for your show days.

See at a glance which artists have already arrived at the event and who’s at risk to be late. This allows the artist handlers to act quickly if necessary.

But there is more!

Artist briefings

Send out personalized briefings to your artists and their management. Artist briefings contain all crucial information about the performances.

In2event automatically adds personalized itineraries to the briefings so you won’t have to anymore.

Accreditation & Access zones

Set up your accreditations and assign items efficiently to your artists, their crew and guests. This gives you a clear overview in advance of what every person is entitled to. You’ll know exactly how many items are needed.

Give artist agencies the possibility to provide you with the information you require. This will save you time and create a shift in responsibility. They can easily let you know who’s coming and what they will need.

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