Elevate your event safety with our Access Control features

Uninvited guests crashing the party backstage can cause chaos, disrupt the flow, and potentially put people at risk.  This will be a thing of the past with the In2event Access Control features.

Highlighted features

Simplify your access control management

Use our access zones feature to improve your on-site security. Simply split up your venue into multiple zones and decide who can go where.

Set up your accreditations and assign items efficiently to every added person. This gives you a clear overview in advance of what people are entitled to. You will know exactly how many items you need.

Use personalized briefings and e-tickets to manage your visitors

Create and send out briefings. Want to add some more information after sending them? No worries! Our briefings are real-time, so everyone will always have the latest info on hand.

With the automatically generated e-tickets, In2event ensures a smooth and quick check-in process.

Check-in your event crowd with speed and ease

Scan e-tickets and the wristbands or badges get printed directly. After scanning a person’s e-ticket they’re checked in. This way, you can see exactly how many non-paying visitors have already joined the event.

The items that are assigned to people will show up on the screen instantly, making it easy to hand out accreditation. This will make sure your crowd is good to go within a minute.


Keep track of all crucial information regarding your events, such as credentials, catering, production needs and much more with our extensive automatically generated reports.


We can also provide you with hardware. We have wristband printers, voucher printers, and scanners. This way you can easily set up complete check-in desks and hand out everything your crowd needs.

Prevent fraud

Every person who has access to your event will be registered and approved beforehand. By assigning a unique QR code to each person, wristbands are practically impossible to copy.

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