In2event Academy

Enhance your skills and start working even more efficiently. At the In2event Academy, you’ll learn everything you need about the platform, with practical sessions and expert guidance.
All in one day.

Discover all details below and register to secure your place.

Become In2event Certified

Receive a certification of your knowledge and skills with our event management platform. 

In-depth training

Learn all tips and tricks to make the most of the platform. 

Meet industry professionals

Discuss real-life event cases and common issues with industry colleagues.

Start learning. Become a pro.

All you need to know in one day​

We know you’re busy, so we cover everything you need to know in just one day. 

Interactive day​

Listening and leaning will be alternated with real-life event cases, discussions, lunch and drinks. 

All levels welcome

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro: we guarantee you’ll walk away with new knowledge.

Our try out sessions had a 100% satisfaction rate.



We host the Academy at our office in Gorinchem. The address is Groenmarkt 8-B. 

The day starts at 10:00h and ends around 16:30h. 


The next available date is March 6th

After that, the last session before the festival season starts will be on the 3rd of April.

Food and drinks

During the day, we will provide you with everything. Lunch, beverages, snacks, and some drinks afterwards.


It is possible to park right in front of the office.

However, we recommend parking in the Kweeklust garage. This is a 3 minute walk.

The In2event Academy is designed for event organizers, managers, and team members using our event management platform. Whether you are new to the platform or looking to deepen your knowledge, the training suits all experience levels.

We ask you to bring a laptop to follow along with the interactive sessions and exercises. All other materials, including drinks and lunch, will be provided by us. Come ready to learn and engage!

You can sign up for the In2event Academy through this page. Click the button below to open the registration form. Select all days that suit your calendar, and we will book all days accordingly. 

The participation fee for the In2event Academy is €295,- per person. However, for our Full Support clients, the training is a gift from us. Contact us to receive your unique discount code.

If you have a question about the Academy, don’t hesitate to contact us. You can easily submit a question here

Secure your seat for the In2event Academy

Start learning. Become a pro.