An amazing Easter weekend to kick off the festival season

The Easter weekend was an absolute blast, setting the stage for a thrilling festival season kickoff with Paaspop, DGTL, and Masters of Hardcore!

Each of these events relied on our platform for organizing their festivals, but they each brought their unique flair to the table.


Paaspop in Schijndel showed off how smoothly our platform meshes with Eventix. They rocked our on-site gear like PDA scanners and wristband printers. Plus, they dove into our new travel party feature, tailor-made for bands. Paaspop is always a big help in developing and testing new features, and we are here for it! <3


DGTL at the NDSM Werf in Amsterdam was a game-changer. Teaming up with Superstruct and Paylogic, we unveiled a real-time dashboard for live check-ins and check-outs. Superstruct’s tourniquets hooked into our system, letting organizers keep a precise count of attendees, meeting Amsterdam’s new regulations. Wherever there wasn’t a tourniquet, a security staff member stood with our PDA scanners. Together we made sure absolutely everyone got scanned. A big bonus effect of this approach is canceling out fake or duplicate tickets.

Keep an eye out for a detailed case study on our website!

Masters of Hardcore

Masters of Hardcore knows how to organize with In2event, and for this edition, they tried out a new feature. They dove into the paid guest list feature and were blown away by its seamless operation.

We live for the buzz of a jam-packed Easter weekend, kickstarting the festival season in style.

Got questions about any of the cool stuff we mentioned here? Give us a shout! We’re always stoked to chat about our features and help you make the most of them.

So, where will we be crossing paths this year? Let’s make it another epic festival season together!

Header picture: Paaspop

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